

Why do people label things? Part of the reason is because we are all faces of Source who name everything they create; an organic attribute of our “original expression” as a co-creator. Yes, there is a lot to consider within that thought pattern but that is for another time.

Our own name is a label that applies an energy signature to our earth expression. But a name or label is just words expressed in the languages of earth that only apply within the earth system. What makes them unique? The energy input into them. Where does the energy input into them come from? The thoughts and beliefs of those who are creating them.

When we birth into the earth reality field we lose our memory of everything we knew before we did so. That might be hard for some to consider who have not yet realized they are not their physical body and existed before the physical body did and will continue to do so when they are no longer in the physical body but that too is simply a process of healing to remember the truth that is forgotten when birthing into the earth system.

Every name or label of absolutely everything within the earth reality field has been created by people within the earth reality field, people who birth into a baby body and forget everything they knew prior to. When that is no longer the case then we will not lose our memory from simply birthing to have a life experience within a reality field; we should not but at this time few people can remember that it is not natural.

When we heal to remember our true expression we will also regain memory of the importance of naming things because doing so is a process of setting an energy signature within the things we name.

We might see words like puppy, baby, sunset, rose, love, peace, caring and instantly our emotions are affected in some way by the energy signature held within those words. They allow our emotions to feel the love within them but only if you know the language and the “meaning” they hold. The meaning IS the energy signature.

When we birth here we do not know what any of the words here mean and so we are “taught” what they mean so that we can communicate within the reality field.

So, why do we create words and labels that speak to our emotions out of balance? Words such as hate, fear, alcoholic , drug addict, murderer, etc. One of my favorite things of becoming aware is the way words are used within the reality field to control, to create a response when none is required, to create false thoughts, ideas and beliefs. Examples: “the harmful rays of the sun”, “devastating winds”, “war on drugs”, “war on anything”, “dreadful disease”, etc.

Reread those words and pay attention to how you “feel” about them as you do. If you pay attention you will become aware of how the words speak to you and what they say but of course only if you understand the language.

Why do people label other people with words that hold a negative emotional feeling within them? The words said nothing before they were created, they said nothing after being formed until someone applied a thought meaning to them but as soon as you learn the language you hold that emotional response within yourself for the entire language.

A reality field is a mirror; it is a mirror that reflects back to us everything we hold within our self. When we see things reflected back to us that we do not like, do not want to experience, do not want to have a relationship with we desire to “push” them away from our self least they infect us in some way. If you take time to remember how your physical body works and that you are experiencing everything “within” your physical body (not outside of it), it becomes a bit easier to begin to see the reality field as a mirror. Of course that implies that everything we experience being reflected back to our body to allow us to experience it is “first held within us”; we cannot become aware of anything unless it is first held within us. There is a whole lot to remember within that truth as well. Creation is “huge” so understanding the way that creation occurs is huge.

People name things and assign meanings to names based on their emotional reactions and negative emotions assign negative energy encryptions to names or labels. Imbalance creates imbalance!

The majority of the population are not yet aware that they are creating their reality field or that it is a mirror reflecting back to them the thoughts they are creating. This will have to heal and it will eventually; it is already healing or I could not become aware of it as well as many other people who are becoming aware of it.

The process of creating negative charged words is the process of the desire to “push imbalance away from self” and when people interact with each other and become aware of imbalance they desire to push it away from their self, least it infect them in some way.

A MAJOR word that is held within all languages is the word “death”. Wow, that always brings forth an emotional response, doesn’t it. So much so that all languages have created “cover words” for it and then still speak those cover words softly as if doing so is somehow going to bring death upon them.

All are based on false beliefs as the result of memory loss and the fear that memory loss creates! People are terrified, that is why they creates labels with negative energy signatures and try to push that energy away from self.

The really sad part of it all is that people are not aware of and do not pay attention to the powerful energy encrypted within the words and spew them all over the place, unless of course the word is death. But it is not just the words used as words alone can do nothing, it is the “emotional energy” being projected from the individual applying the words that create the effect.

This is very easy to see when we consider the effect words have on plants. We can speak all day long to a plant and use any word we desire in doing so but if our “emotional energy” is of love the planet thrives and grows. If we use the same words filled with negative emotions, the plant will wither and die. The same applies to ALL life forms, even water which is a conscious life expression of Source!

Now think back through your life and remember all of the times when words have created a negative emotional response within you or perhaps times when you have used the same words directed to another life form. What is being sent and received at such times? What kind of energy is flowing and what will it create?

We are all Energy Beings playing a temporary game of pretending we are physical and we send and receive energy 24 – 7. What are we creating with our energy? How are we affecting other life forms with our energy?

We argue, blame, curse, argue some more, scream, have temper tantrums, throw things, perhaps even hit someone, call each other names and assign emotionally charged labels. Where does all of that energy end up, where does it go? It goes to the same place all of the energy does that is reflected back to us to experience, within our self! It should become much clearer why it is “our body” that has forgotten what love is and that it is loved because our body is holding onto all of that negative energy.

We are not taught here what to do with all of that negative energy. The process begins when we are a very young age, for some younger than others. We encounter the world around us and experience all of these negative charged emotions being flung our way. As a child we have no voice, we do not know what we are suppose to do with all of that energy and so what do we do? We try to survive by stuffing all of it deep within us, deep within our body in hopes that it will go away and leave us alone. Guess what? It is still there and needs to be healed so that you can heal back into balance.

Imagine the life of a child who is constantly told negative things on a daily basis, perhaps that they will never amount to anything, that they “cannot have” what they desire, to grow up and stop being so childish, to shut up and do as you are told. We have all experienced any degree of such within childhood and by the time we reach puberty we are ready to step outside of the control, spread our wings and do as we please but we still don’t know what to do with all of those emotions. Peers can be rough but you know what, they were not born like that, it is a learned trait.

When you hear the same things over and over again, when you experience the same energy over and over again, guess what it does to you? It “brainwashes your body”. You hear something enough times, experience the same energy enough times it turns on within your body and “becomes your beliefs”.

Not only do you now hold a false belief of yourself being a physical body because you cannot remember the true expression of yourself but you continue to take unto yourself more false beliefs about yourself and you begin to label yourself. You will be and express exactly as you believe yourself to be!

Then when you are suppose to be ready to take care of yourself and step into the mass arena you are carrying all of this baggage with you that you try to suppress and ignore because it is too scary not to do so and encounter a world that tries to push you down around every corner.

Is it any wonder the masses are swimming around within a sea of chaos? Everyone takes on the role of playing the victim, life is out to get them and everyone else but self is responsible for the misery, suffering and pain. Guess what those thoughts create, yes more of the same.

When we can heal to remember that the reality field is a mirror that shines back to us everything within us then we can start to heal to begin to take responsibility for our self and realize we are doing it all to our self because of what we believe about our self.

When we can remember that there exists imbalance and balance and negative charged labels only bury what needs to be healed from perception then we will begin to realize it is simply a matter of becoming aware of what requires healing. Again, we cannot experience anything if it is not a part of us as everything we experience is “within us”.

There is no separation between anything or anyone, separation is simply an illusion that a reality field allows for so that we can have individual experiences. There is much to know about that truth but not for this posting.

You are me, I am you, we are all the same and we are all in the process of healing from a state of memory loss that will allow us to remember that truth. I need you just as much as you need me. We are all in this together because we have all created it together and only by working as a whole can anyone heal.

People will continue to label and name things, people are still healing but you can choose how you desire to allow anything affect you, you can choose to take back your power, to take back control of yourself, take responsibility for yourself and not allow anyone else to be in charge of your responsibility but you can only do so from a space of love because imbalance only creates more imbalance.

It is time to “re-invent” yourself! What do you want to be? You can choose to play any role you desire, it is all a play after all. What costume or label do you want to adorn yourself with? Is your current costume working for you? If so, then no need to change it but if it is not creating balance, love, joy, peace and happiness then it is time to let go of all of those labels you have accepted as your own and create new ones that support your desire for healing into balance.

I AM statements are very powerful programming tools. The body listens to every thought you have and your thoughts tell the cells that make up your body how to perform to allow you to experience your thoughts. You and only you are the driver of your body.

To heal anything that is out of balance within our lives first requires awareness that it needs to be healed and then begin the process of recoding the thoughts that are keeping that compacted within our body.

As long as we are embodied within “this” reality field, absolutely everything we can become aware of and experience is dependent on how the body can translate energy to our awareness, absolutely everything. The way to become “more aware” of the unknown and to change our life experience is to “reprogram the body” and start chipping away at all of those false beliefs and labels we have stuffed within it.

The first and most important step is to remind the body what love is, what it feels like and that it is loved. How do we treat our body? We push it to do our bidding, we feed it all kinds of things that kills cells, we look at it in the mirror and see it as anything but perfect, we force it to wear clothes and shoes that creates pain so we can keep up with the latest fashions, we drug it so that it will shut up and we do not have to listen to its complaints, we deprive it of sleep that it needs to try to heal itself, we stuff it with anything and everything and wonder why it is stressed and we pretty much ignore it until it reaches a point of screaming so loudly we cannot. We most likely spend more time loving a car or truck than we do our body and yet, without our body we would no longer be experiencing the earth reality field.

How do you want to feel about yourself, how do you want to think of yourself? It does not matter what anyone else thinks, no one else is running your body. Begin creating new names, new labels for your body, for yourself and start getting rid of those false beliefs and false labels.

The strongest new label to assign is: I AM LOVE!

There are many ways you can reprogram the beliefs held within your body. You could take a picture of yourself and place it where you will see it daily and label it I AM LOVE. But most importantly, speak to your body as if you were speaking to a child and comforting a child. Tell it you are sorry for ignoring and abusing it. Tell it how much you love it. Tell it you are listening now and you will pay attention to its needs.

That may sound crazy but your body hears every single thought you have!