Pathways to Wholeness


Pathways to Wholeness

How do we define Wholeness?

Our concept of Wholeness is broad and inclusive. It reflects a day to day existence where we are not governed by our emotions and distracting idle thoughts. Wholeness reflects deliberate, conscious free will choice as we experience each day, not being driven by outdated unconscious programs or unchecked emotions.

If we look to the discipline of psychology for insights, Wholeness would be a bit similar to Maslow’s concept of self-actualization; where an individual is more concerned with fulfilling their own potential and less concerned about the opinions of others. In self-actualized individuals, “peak” experiences are a normal part of day-to-day living. Our concept of Wholeness is also similar to Jung’s concept of individuation, where an individual grows to distinguish their self from the general collective of humanity.

If we look to spiritual traditions, we see that most offer a concept of a deeper reality when we transcend the ordinary 3 dimensional experience. Whether that state is called cosmic consciousness, nirvana, ecstasy, kundalini awakening, transcendent or illumination experiences, there is a place beyond the normal day to day existence where truth, enlightenment and joy reside.

At the Freedom Through Choice Foundation (FTCF), we refer to this place simply as Wholeness- a place where we realize that we are a Spark of Source. In this place we are free to express the divine within us. We see, feel, and express the joy and love of Source, and as we do, we cease to rely on “externals” of any sort for our happiness. Wholeness is a journey- an eternally alive evolving state of consciousness consisting of stages of expanding awareness that spiral inward allowing for an increased embodiment of the love of Source.


How do we reach this place of Wholeness?

To reach our Inner Wholeness expression, it is necessary to free the mental and emotional aspects of ourselves that are not a reflection of our conscious, Source-centered choice and freeing our self from old mental programs and emotional patterns that do not reflect this Spark within us.

The Freedom Through Choice Foundation offers the Pathways to Wholeness, which are step-by step programs designed to assist healing emotional and mental aspects of ourselves that are a result of old, stuck programs. When these old programs are gone we can then allow conscious, free will choice to express. Our programs cross the disciplines of scientific, psychological and spiritual traditions. These sciences and spiritual traditions have much to offer on the path of healing.