Why Do We Play the Blame Game?







We play the blame game because it is a self-defense mechanism that is firmly rooted in our human consciousness.  It is as old as the Garden of Eden.   Adam pointed the finger at Eve, Eve blamed the serpent.  The dog ate my homework.   And so it goes….

When we are able to blame someone else for our issues, it creates an illusion of safety around us.   There is no need to deal with the consequences of our actions when they are someone else’s fault.  Our self-esteem is preserved. We avoid all uncomfortable feelings when we look outside of ourselves for the cause of our problems.   Nothing needs to change, all is well, and we are safe.

Or are we?   Have we given ourselves any growth opportunities when we point our fingers?   Are we remaining stuck in our patterns?

Next time you find yourself playing the blame game, ask yourself the following questions..

Why did I point the finger at __________?

What did I gain by blaming___________?

You may find that your finger pointing was a reflex, done without conscious thought.   You may find that any short term feelings of control that you may have gained by blaming were actually setbacks in personal growth opportunities.

Know that a whole world of opportunity awaits you when you are ready to say ” this is no one else’s fault but my own”.  At that point, you have taken huge steps toward Wholeness.

Next…the Victim/Victimizer Dance