Attitude, Emotion & Addiction


Attitude is a result of energy in motion or emotion and the energy in motion is thought in motion. There are many attitude expressions simply because there are many emotional feelings.

Emotion, as we experience within our body, is only experienced as such within our body. Therefore, the multitude of the emotions we experience within our body are a result of the operation of the body form.

When our conscious expression is not experiencing within the human body form we do not experience any negative emotions. Negative emotions are the result of chemical imbalances which are a result of damage that has occurred within the foundation energetic system of the identity expression.

When the foundation energetic system is in balance with the energy of Source negative emotions do not occur. Balance allows for only positive emotions based on love and love does not hold any imbalance within it.

Memory loss of the truth of creation creates imbalanced, negative emotions with the strongest one being fear. All positive emotions are based on love and all negative emotions are based on fear which is the opposite of love. Hatred is based on fear so the root cause of hatred is fear.

The Source expression of the individual identity does not experience any emotion out of balance with love as Source is balanced love and fear cannot exist within balance.

When we use our thoughts to remember experiences that fill our body with an overwhelming amount of love we are experiencing the chemicals that compose our body coming back into balance.

Some people are dealing with stronger chemical imbalances than others are that are currently too strong for them to be able to bring back into balance at this time which means they are held in a constant state of fear.

The largest percentage of the population are currently held within a constant state of fear as a result of forgetting the truth of creation and the truth of self as Source.

When inner healing occurs to allow the identity to remember they are Source embodied the entire attitude towards life and all within it changes as the emotions begin to heal back into balance.

Everyday life of the earth experience has expressed through fear for such a long time that the masses are not aware fear is not natural and because fear has become the dominant emotion within the masses everyone is held within survival mode.

Expressing in a constant state of survival mode creates a constant state of inner stress and affects the attitude of the individual as their chemical emotional responses always have them sitting on the edge to keep watch and quickly respond to anything.

Being held within survival mode means that the emotional responses will be automatic, snap responses and it is such snap responses that fuel all conflict.

When expressing in a state of survival the tissues and all organs of the body are in a constant state of contraction which blocks flows of the energy of Source, within which the love and balance of Source reside.

This is why meditation and daily communion with Source promotes healing within the whole body system because the body tissues, organs and chemicals can relax and open to allow the flows of Source energy to circulate through the whole body system.

When the energy of Source is able to flow through the whole body system the negative emotions are quieted, the thoughts of the individual become more focused and the breathing rate slows down to allow a sense of inner peace to be experienced.

All life forms should express in a balanced state eternally and only express out of balance if damage occurs within the foundation energetic structure which the body is created upon. When we allow ourselves to consciously focus on remaining in the balanced state of expression our whole attitude of the life experience changes.

From the balanced state of expression we can become an observer of the world around us and look at the imbalance without the imbalance taking over our emotional responses. Being able to accomplish this is what is meant by the ancient statement, “be in the world but not of the world”.

When we apply such knowledge to the concept of something like addiction or to anything we can quickly see that whatever one is addicted to create chemical responses within the body to assist it to reach some state of calming the body’s chemical responses and is why the body continues to scream for more of the same.

It is because of these multi-layered issues that everyone on the planet is addicted to something which allows the body’s chemicals to experience some relief from the constant inner chaos.

The addiction may be food, it may be television, it may be a smart phone which allows for a different reality field within it. The status quo is to think of such things as obsessions and to label chemical substances as addictions but they are all addictions which means the body starts to go into freak out mode to make sure it gets what it wants to find some inner calm. Are you one with a smart phone whose body would freak out if you did not have it?

Addictions then become habits but not because the individual is weak but because the inner body chaos is strong.

Some addictions create more harm than good within the body and if the body is denied what it has discovered can allow it to calm down some it will seek out something else to allow for the inner calm. The something else may be a another person as long as that other person can provide the inner calm the body needs but when that starts to fade the body will start seeking again.

What the body is constantly in search of is peace, balance and love but because the masses have forgotten the truth of creation, the truth that they are Source embodied and their inner connection with Source they seek love, balance, peace and calm outside of their self always trying to fill that inner hole with something that will calm the chemical emotions of the body.

The inner hole can only be filled with the energy of Source, all else is a temporary fix and when the fix wears off the body wants more.

The labels that society assign to an addiction is a result of the level of fear society holds for the addiction and is why we do not see an organization called “smart phone anonymous”, yet we now have laws against something like texting while driving which only came about after experiencing the affects of texting while driving. In times gone by it was not against the law to drink and drive and required many deaths for the law to come into action.

It cannot be known how something will experience until it is experienced and this is why Source creates all of creation to allow Source to know how all thoughts experience.

The body does not know what something experiences as until it experiences it but we are all conscious and aware simply because we have the ability to think. The body cannot think, the brain of the body cannot think and this becomes quite obvious when death of the physical body occurs and the consciousness removes their energy from the body form; the brain stops functioning.

Therefore it is not the body that is thinking which implies our conscious mind that is thinking is higher in energy than the energy of the physical body.

Since our mind is higher in energy than the physical body that means we hold the ability to use our conscious aware thoughts to maintain control of the physical body.

While we continue to heal within our self to remember the truth that we are all Source embodied there is nothing wrong with allowing the body to have what it needs to assist creating inner calm because the body has been lacking Source energy for a very long time but if we desire to maintain control of the body we must use our conscious thoughts to calm the body and only allow it to have things that do not create more harm than good.

The body cannot think, it cannot reason and make higher choices. The body functions on instinct and auto pilot thought patterns which are habitual thought patterns.

The body is a temporary vehicle for our conscious mind to have a life experience just like the car is a temporary vehicle to allow us to move the body from point A to point B. We do not allow our car to control our thoughts nor should we a allow our body to control our thoughts.

The only way to regain control of the body is by regaining control of our thoughts and then consciously communicating with the body.

The body is not separate from us because we temporarily have part of our energy imbued within it but just like a car, the body is an extension of our energy.

Just like a car requires optimal parts, fuel and water to operate correctly so too does our body. When we put harmful chemicals into our body it is like putting sugar into the gas tank of the car.

If we desire to maintain control of our body which will then allow us to maintain control of the life experience, we must use our conscious thoughts and make the choices that will allow us to accomplish our desires.

The body can only hear our thoughts, it hears nothing else! When we become aware of thoughts, light and sound it is because the body has drawn that energy into itself to allow our conscious mind to become aware of it but we do not experience anything outside of our body. If you doubt that simply search the internet to remember how your body works.

This means that when we become aware of something it is already a part of us or else we could not become aware of it.

Remembering that our body does not think for itself but operates on the instructions of our thought directions we then become empowered to take back control of the way our body functions.

If we desire to experience balance and love we must allow our body to remember what balance and love feels like which we can do by focusing within our mind and focusing on filling our body with the love we hold within our memories.

Because the masses have forgotten the truth of self and hold the false belief that self is the body form the body has been running amok for thousands of years and dragging our conscious mind around like a puppet on a string.

The imbalanced emotions we experience are a result of chemical imbalances within the body which is the result of the lack of the energy of Source.

The body cannot think love it can only respond to energy which is thoughts and thoughts instruct the chemicals that the body is composed of to create chemical responses that will allow us to experience our thoughts. We can choose to experience love or the lack of love as love is dependent on no one but our self.

When we consciously think loving thoughts of our body we are allowing it to remember what love and balance is which brings the chemicals of the body back into balance and changes our whole attitude about the life experience.

We become aware that life is not about gaining material objects, it is not about how many people like you, it is not about relationships, having 2 ½ children, a 2 ½ car garage, three cars or a fancy home; the life experience is about love and joy and being able to experience love and joy is dependent on how much we love our self which includes our body.

Changing your attitude of life occurs by remembering how to love yourself!

When you remember how to love yourself then the choices you make change to higher choices that will support the love you feel for yourself. We express such love for others and we may run our self ragged trying to take care of the needs of others and then have no energy left to take care of our own needs.

Doing so not only dis-empowers others because they then do not know how to take care of their needs but it also dis-empowers our self because we have spent all of our energy taking care of others needs.

We are “conditioned” to take care of the needs of others before we do our own because we inherit those thought patterns from those who come before us but doing so is the desire to “make others love us” which is a result of not loving self.

Loving self first is not selfish it is simply awareness that unless we love our self and take care of our self first we will not be able to assist others with the things they do require assistance with. Loving self is not about being selfish in any way but having the energy required to take care of self and then share the love of Source that flows through us with others.

The world paradigm is designed to dis-empower the masses because that is the only way to control them and the things the masses use as a crutch to calm the chaos within their bodies are the things that are controlled the most because those things create a “demand” which means there is big money to be gained.

This is why there is no war on drugs or a desire to heal any addiction as there is big money to be gained from people’s addictions. We look at such things as “money to be gained” but what is really gained? Energy, is what is really gained! It is all about energy regardless if we call it money, war, drugs, television, smart phones, natural resources or whatever, it is all about energy and who can gain the most energy.

The obvious way to heal any and all addictions is it stop producing the things people are addicted to but then the world economy would not exist and the masses would go insane not knowing how to deal with the inner chaos.

Perhaps you can better understand that the concept of addiction to anything goes much deeper than simply being weak or unable to cope with life. It is a result of an inner hole that requires filling and the only thing that can fill that hole is the energy of Source.

Why Do We Play the Blame Game?







We play the blame game because it is a self-defense mechanism that is firmly rooted in our human consciousness.  It is as old as the Garden of Eden.   Adam pointed the finger at Eve, Eve blamed the serpent.  The dog ate my homework.   And so it goes….

When we are able to blame someone else for our issues, it creates an illusion of safety around us.   There is no need to deal with the consequences of our actions when they are someone else’s fault.  Our self-esteem is preserved. We avoid all uncomfortable feelings when we look outside of ourselves for the cause of our problems.   Nothing needs to change, all is well, and we are safe.

Or are we?   Have we given ourselves any growth opportunities when we point our fingers?   Are we remaining stuck in our patterns?

Next time you find yourself playing the blame game, ask yourself the following questions..

Why did I point the finger at __________?

What did I gain by blaming___________?

You may find that your finger pointing was a reflex, done without conscious thought.   You may find that any short term feelings of control that you may have gained by blaming were actually setbacks in personal growth opportunities.

Know that a whole world of opportunity awaits you when you are ready to say ” this is no one else’s fault but my own”.  At that point, you have taken huge steps toward Wholeness.

Next…the Victim/Victimizer Dance

Responsibility for Self


If we desire to experience more balance, happiness and joy in our lives we must be willing to take absolute responsibility for our self.

Perhaps you feel like life is coming at you and events or circumstances of your life are beyond your control. Many people feel that way especially with the roller coaster economy we all have to deal with.

When we can heal to remember that we experience absolutely everything “within our body” then it starts to become easier to realize that “only our self” is creating what we will ever experience.

The two strongest body senses most operate upon are visual sight and audible sound. Of course someone who is dealing with visual sight blindness or deafness are not dealing with believing life is coming at them in the same way.

We do not see with our eyes or hear with our ears in the manner in which the masses believe they do. Our eyes simply take in energy that move through the inner layers of the eyes and to the brain. The brain then creates the images we “think” we see with our eyes “inside the brain”. We do not see the image unless the eyes can work to take energy into the brain.

We do not hear with our ears as we may think we do. The ears receive energy as frequency wave patterns which move through the inner ear and create a vibration. We do not hear unless this process works and the inner vibration is created.

So the only thing that is “coming at us” is energy which the senses of the body then translate to allow us to become aware of. Understanding how the body’s 5 senses work is pretty fascinating but they work to allow us to become aware “inside of our body”, not outside of our body.

Quantum Physics have finally proven that matter is an illusion or a hologram but they have yet to discover how the illusion of matter is created. Forgetting the truth of creation when we birth into the baby body turns off the memory of how the illusion of matter is created but we should all know that as we are creating the illusion via our body senses.

All will eventually heal to remember such truth but for now we can allow our self to understand more about the way the body works to allow us to have the life experience.

The life experience is the result of the interaction of the energy that our body is made of and the energy the body draws unto itself and part of that process includes the “chemicals” which make up the body. Chemicals are elements that group together to create a “reaction” within the body.

When we draw energy unto our body that creates a chemical reaction that allows us to have what we may consider to be a negative experience we are experiencing our thoughts and beliefs drawing the necessary to us and into our body to allow us to experience what our thoughts and beliefs experience as.

Our body is designed to ensure we will experience what we are thinking and what we believe. If we believe that life is coming at us and we have no power over the process then we are allowing the process to occur “consciously unaware” that we have anything to do with it and this makes us feel like we are playing the role of a victim and there is nothing we can do about our life experience.

Everything within creation is energy and the life experience occurs via our body form to allow us to experience energy, energy which is “thought patterns”.

If we have been programmed to think and believe life is a certain way and that we are limited in what we can experience then simply because we believe that to be true we are limiting our self in what we will be able to experience because the body will work to “only allow us to experience what we believe”.

We begin gathering and building our beliefs from the infant stage via experiencing life but because all have forgotten the truth of how the life experience occurs we “think” life is happening to us instead of remembering that we are creating it within our self.

We are not a victim of circumstances we are a victim to our own thoughts and beliefs. When we can remember these truths then we become empowered to take back control of our life experience. We can do so by becoming “thought aware” and really taking a hard look at our beliefs.

We have spent our entire life to this point to build our belief systems so we have spent a whole lot of time and energy ensuring that our body is creating exactly what we believe. It will take some time to re-create our belief systems to be what we “desire to experience” instead of what we currently believe we must experience.

As stated in a previous post, it is a process of re-seeding thought patterns within our self and only seeding what we desire to experience but at the same time becoming thought aware, aware of our thoughts that are creating the opposite of what we desire to experience.

This is why we must take absolute responsibility for our self, everything we have experienced and everything we will experience because no one is doing it to us, we are doing it to our self.

This can be a hard truth to come face to face with especially if there has been an experience of being seriously wronged by the actions of others. No one would intentionally draw such experiences to their self but such can occur via the thoughts running wild and making choices that allow us to meet up with energy that will create such experiences. Some experiences can be extremely difficult to heal within because they can be so extreme that the individual is not able to step out of the role of playing the victim.

Healing from traumatic experiences takes time and it may require assistance from a qualified individual but it is possible and can occur much faster if we focus on our personal relationship with Source within our self.

When we allow our self to continue to feel as though we have been victimized by another we are blocking flows of energy within our self, energy that can allow us to heal and we continue to give our energy away to whomever we feel is responsible for the traumatic experience. Who loses? The person who played their role in the process does not lose because they are living their own life within their own body. We are the one who loses because we create our own living hell within our own body.

That does not mean the other person is not responsible for their actions and requires a whole lot of healing but they showed up to play a role via the energy of our thoughts, beliefs and choices that drew them to us. It may simply be a matter of not being aware of the environment around us and not being cautious to protect our self from the actions of others when we pass through imbalanced thought patterns.

We cannot heal anyone but our self because each person is creating their own life within their self but we can heal our self and allow others to experience what they create while at the same time protecting our self from others thoughts and creations.

The strongest protection we can create comes from within our self and first believing that we are held within protection at all times and then becoming consciously aware of our surroundings and environment to ensure we make the necessary choices to ensure our safety.

Healing can only begin within our self and part of the process of healing into balance is healing to be able to take responsibility for our self. If we give our self responsibility away to others then we are opening our self to chaotic thought patterns that will draw the necessary energy to us to allow us to experience chaotic thought experiences.

There is a whole lot of imbalance that requires healing within the world and a whole lot of imbalanced people sharing the world with us so there will always be someone to play a necessary role to allow us to experience our thoughts and what we believe about our self.

When we focus on just the life experience and think it is all occurring outside of our self then we are not using our power to take control of our life experience. It is all energy, all of creation is energy and matter manifest is an illusion that only exists when someone is looking, to use the words of Quantum Physics. That means that we are the only one creating the illusion of manifest matter.

As we continue to heal to become more aware of our personal energy then we can remember how to “sense energy” which is a very helpful ability to allow us to become more aware of the energy that we are held within and discern before we make choices.

If we believe that we must gain revenge for an experience that involved another role player then we are not taking responsibility for our self but are giving our energy away to the other role player. The old saying that speaks, “an eye for an eye” is a false belief based upon an entire population believing they are a victim to circumstance and have no control over it. Imbalance does not create balance, it only creates more imbalance.

We cannot carry the world on our shoulders, it is too heavy for one person to handle alone and thankfully we are not alone, we are all a part of the whole and only as a whole can we heal the imbalance that exists in the world but doing so first requires healing our self.

Every thought we have goes out from us like the ripples in a body of water and then return to us like the ocean waves, much stronger than the ripples. The key is to send out the thoughts we desire to experience so that the waves return carrying those desires.

We do not have to allow our previous experiences to define who we are and how the rest of our life will be. Each moment is a fresh start to re-create our self anew and we hold the ability to do so simply because we can “think”.