Building the Personal Healing Platform


Having a strong foundation is not something that is important just for those who are dealing with some type of addiction but is a necessity for all who desire to experience a life of balance.

Millions of people seek a foundation within some form of organized religion, millions look to science to provide a foundation for their belief system and more are awakening to simply consider Spirituality as their belief system. Many who think they have a focused foundation still struggle with the challenges that daily living can bring. And we still see millions of people swimming around within a sea of chaos trying to make sense of all of it.

The strongest foundation we can create for our self is Love! I have never encountered anyone who is dealing with the challenge of addiction that feels love for their self but very few people experience self love regardless how their life is playing out and that is rather ironic as love is the common factor all are seeking.

The life experience is about “how well we love self” not how well we play the game of life and the majority of the population have forgotten how to love self which implies the elder population do not yet hold the ability to teach new generations how to love self. The game of life on earth is set up to ensure people do not remember how to love self.

The FTCF is grounded within a very strong foundation of love because its members share the experience of remembering not only the importance of being able to love self but to assist all how to remember the same.

Self love is not based on any cultural belief system or the lack therein. Self love only requires “you”. The cultural paradigms of the earth play are designed to promote failure while creating the illusion of what success is “suppose” to look like.

Statistics have proven that the minority of the masses who share the majority of “material wealth” are the least satisfied with their lives so we cannot point to material wealth as the “root of happiness and balance” but those who are struggling each day to simply survive would most likely argue with those statistics. It has been proven that those with less give more than those who have more to give because those with less know what it is like to live with less. Challenges with addictions are just as strong within the wealthy minority if not stronger simply because they have more resources to feed their addictions. So addictions are not judgmental to race, religion, creed or prosperity.

We can point to any number of reasons why anyone would become addicted to anything because the reasons behind such a question are as unique as the population is. Have you ever found a “one size fits all diet plan”? There is not a one size fits all for anything simply because we are unique individual expressions with unique biology and chemical makeup. The important thing to remember is “choice” because every thought we hold offers a “choice” to then decide how we desire to act, react or simply allow the thought to pass on by. But it can be extremely challenging for anyone dealing with an issue that seems to be controlling their life to see any higher choices within the chaos.

Living a life of balance within an imbalanced world is possible but it does not occur via material wealth, wishful thinking or seeking outside of our self because the chaos that creates the imbalance resides within our self. To heal into balance we must look and focus within our self and doing so can seem rather scary if we do not remember how to love our self.

When we do not love our self we have a hole inside of us in which inner chaos grows and the cultural paradigms teach us the way to fill that hole is by collecting material wealth and seeking others to provide the love we feel is lacking.

There are many expressions of love that include romantic love, love for a parent or a child, love for a sport or activity, love for nature and even love for an addiction. There is soft, easy love and hard, though love. A popular phrase is “money makes the world go round” but that is a false belief; love makes the world go round and without it, there would be no world.

The simple fact that we birth into a life experience which requires us to be completely dependent on another for our survival instantly programs us to seek outside of our self for our needs so we are all conditioned to fail the moment we birth into the body simply because of birthing into the body.

The desire for lust, greed and power within the masses continues to make the world stage more lopsided every day and creates an environment that is “perceived” as have and have not or “lack consciousness”. It is becoming more challenging for most of the “common population” to simply survive let alone feel like they get ahead in the game of life so the reasons why anyone might become addicted to anything are vast.

The outer imbalanced image of the world is a result of the inner chaos within the masses and very few people are aware of this truth at this time. So, the process of healing into balance, be that overcoming an addition or not, can only occur by creating a “solid inner foundation”.

Many people immerse their self into a cultural belief system if for no other reason than to find purpose for their life and there is nothing wrong with being “involved” as that is why we came here, to get involved, to experience, to have fun and enjoy what it is like to be here. Do you feel that your life is about having fun and creating joy or punching a clock and paying bills?

For the masses to heal the masses will have to remember how to support each other to allow healing to occur but the masses includes you and you are the starting point of healing the masses, how, by healing yourself. When we can truly remember how to love our self it makes it so much easier to allow others to be and express as they desire. Each of us have the gift of free will so we can choose to be miserable if we desire. But we do have a choice!

When we remember how to love self the inner peace and balance that follows is indescribable. When we are able to “Be The Love” and radiate it regardless of the circumstance we find our self within we draw to our self opportunities that allow us to gift our love to others which creates a very powerful flow of energy that extends outward from us and then returns to us at least 3 times stronger than we put out which means the love that comes back to us is more than enough to support our desires and needs.

It will be next to impossible to remember how to love self if we cannot remember what love feels like so remembering the feeling is the first step in building the strong foundation to allow a support platform for the desire of healing into balance.

All people desire to experience a life of balance regardless of the level of imbalance they are dealing with. Most people have no idea what being in balance means because we step out of balance and forget how to love self as soon as we birth onto the world stage.

The feeling of love that needs to be remembered is an overwhelming feeling that is so powerful it may bring one to tears or creates so much inner joy it may make you fall to your knees in gratitude. Gratitude is the second key ingredient that promotes balance as gratitude expresses through love and creates more love.

The goal is to rediscover a rare moment when you experienced an over whelming love feeling inside of yourself and for many people they may feel they never have. I find that quite sad to know it is true! The feeling is not one that can be “given to you” as only you know how you feel but it can be sparked within you by interacting with others.

Have you ever seen a movie, read a book, heard a song or watched other people express love for each other in such a way that it creates an over whelming feeling of love within you; a feeling that brings so much inner peace and happiness you may feel like you want to put your arms around the world and give it a hug?

The feeling may come from experiencing a beautiful sunrise or sunset or perhaps the birth of a child or the joy of getting married. It may have been a moment of receiving a precious gift from another.

You could call your precious thought memory your “Love Thought”; a memory so precious that you wanted the experience to never end. Think and focus within yourself and remember your Love Thought. If you do not feel like you have a Love Thought think of a song that you love that allows you to feel love, peace and joy. It does not matter what type of song but it should be one that promotes stillness with simply the desire to listen and feel those deep inner feelings of love. Once you remember your “Love Song” listen to it through headphones if possible for at least 15 minutes and allow your body to remember that wonderful inner feeling.

Once you remember that feeling of love, never forget it again; if need be make your Love Song or Love Thought your life line. If you feel your emotions dragging you down into a dark place, use your Love Song or Love Thought to rise back up.

The “key” is to allow the feeling of love to build as strongly as possible within yourself because it is “your body” that has forgotten what that feels like and by consciously working to remember that overwhelming feeling of love you are allowing your body to remember what love is and that it is loved.

Make your Love Thought as real as possible:

  • In your mind’s eye focus on the event that filled you with so much love.
  • See it all again and sit quietly while focusing on the memory.
  • What was the weather like? Try to remember the feeling of the weather during your event.
  • Was it inside or outside?
  • See the faces of the people sharing your event.
  • Become aware of any smells; was there food smells?
  • See and feel the ground or floor beneath your feet as if you were standing there once again.
  • What were you wearing and how did it feel on your body?
  • Notice the environment of the event, if inside what is hanging on the walls, what color are the window coverings? If outside hear, smell and feel the outside environment. Make it as real as you possibly can within your body to reawaken the memory within all of your body senses.

Practice this daily, either with your Love Thought, your Love Song or both. The goal is to allow your “whole body” to remember and retain the memory of what that overwhelming love of Source feels like and allow that to be your healing foundation.

We were all created within that love, we are all held within that love eternally and we were created to “BE” that love. That love IS the love of Source regardless if you believe in Source or not. That love is flowing within you and it is eternal and eternally yours. You could not feel that love if it were not a part of you so you could not feel that love if the energy of Source was not flowing within you.

If life’s moments knock you down, when you feel weak and powerless, when you feel out of control with worry, grief or fear, when you feel like you no longer want to live, when you feel like you are going to die if you do not feed the body what it is screaming for, Remember Love! Fill yourself with the love, focus on that inner feeling of love.

Start “right now” to build your strong foundation of love to support your desires for healing and if you do so daily or as many times as day as you desire you will discover that your foundation becomes a mountain to support you through all experiences.

Know This! You could not feel that love if you were not love!

Sit quietly and think about that and as you do allow yourself to remember “you are love”, so how can you not love yourself, because of bad choices you have made? Well what can you do about that? Star making better choices!

Does it mean you are weak if you make a bad choice or that you have no control over yourself? No, not unless you believe it does! Together we will rediscover what it means to be experiencing via these human body forms and remember that there is no such thing as being weak, simply the need for inner healing to occur.

Answer the following question with the first thought that comes to mind. Don’t think about it, just allow yourself to respond instantly. Be honest with yourself because this is only between you and you!

Who do you perceive yourself to be, who are you?

If you answered anything but Love then you simply need to heal to remember you are Love!

Think back through your life experience and try to remember the point in your life when you first became aware of the you that you now consider yourself to be. Why did you adopt that perception of yourself, because of choices, because someone told you that you were that something?

Do you know that “as soon as you believed” you are that perception you hold of yourself, you became that image?

That is the truth behind that ancient story in the fairy tale of Adam and Eve when God was supposed to have asked “who told you that you are naked”. It is a metaphor asking “when did you believe yourself to be that”. Because in that very instant you became naked, prior to that instant you did not even know what naked was.

In a future post we will consider why there is this labeling of “addiction” held within society and look much deeper into the label. If you truly desire to heal yourself, you are heading in the right direction.

If society “needs” to create labels to identify people with and the assigned is addiction, consider this; ALL people on this planet are addicted to something. When do the addictions begin? In the infant stage. The infant “needs” either a silky blanket, a stuffed toy, a pacifier or a bottle to find calm and peace from the inner chaos of being in the body. Those first addictions are simply transposed onto something else as we are conditioned to take our role among the masses. What is the key then if everyone is addicted to something? Balance!

Keep on keeping on and together we will get to that Inner Balanced Happy Spot!

Attitude, Emotion & Addiction


Attitude is a result of energy in motion or emotion and the energy in motion is thought in motion. There are many attitude expressions simply because there are many emotional feelings.

Emotion, as we experience within our body, is only experienced as such within our body. Therefore, the multitude of the emotions we experience within our body are a result of the operation of the body form.

When our conscious expression is not experiencing within the human body form we do not experience any negative emotions. Negative emotions are the result of chemical imbalances which are a result of damage that has occurred within the foundation energetic system of the identity expression.

When the foundation energetic system is in balance with the energy of Source negative emotions do not occur. Balance allows for only positive emotions based on love and love does not hold any imbalance within it.

Memory loss of the truth of creation creates imbalanced, negative emotions with the strongest one being fear. All positive emotions are based on love and all negative emotions are based on fear which is the opposite of love. Hatred is based on fear so the root cause of hatred is fear.

The Source expression of the individual identity does not experience any emotion out of balance with love as Source is balanced love and fear cannot exist within balance.

When we use our thoughts to remember experiences that fill our body with an overwhelming amount of love we are experiencing the chemicals that compose our body coming back into balance.

Some people are dealing with stronger chemical imbalances than others are that are currently too strong for them to be able to bring back into balance at this time which means they are held in a constant state of fear.

The largest percentage of the population are currently held within a constant state of fear as a result of forgetting the truth of creation and the truth of self as Source.

When inner healing occurs to allow the identity to remember they are Source embodied the entire attitude towards life and all within it changes as the emotions begin to heal back into balance.

Everyday life of the earth experience has expressed through fear for such a long time that the masses are not aware fear is not natural and because fear has become the dominant emotion within the masses everyone is held within survival mode.

Expressing in a constant state of survival mode creates a constant state of inner stress and affects the attitude of the individual as their chemical emotional responses always have them sitting on the edge to keep watch and quickly respond to anything.

Being held within survival mode means that the emotional responses will be automatic, snap responses and it is such snap responses that fuel all conflict.

When expressing in a state of survival the tissues and all organs of the body are in a constant state of contraction which blocks flows of the energy of Source, within which the love and balance of Source reside.

This is why meditation and daily communion with Source promotes healing within the whole body system because the body tissues, organs and chemicals can relax and open to allow the flows of Source energy to circulate through the whole body system.

When the energy of Source is able to flow through the whole body system the negative emotions are quieted, the thoughts of the individual become more focused and the breathing rate slows down to allow a sense of inner peace to be experienced.

All life forms should express in a balanced state eternally and only express out of balance if damage occurs within the foundation energetic structure which the body is created upon. When we allow ourselves to consciously focus on remaining in the balanced state of expression our whole attitude of the life experience changes.

From the balanced state of expression we can become an observer of the world around us and look at the imbalance without the imbalance taking over our emotional responses. Being able to accomplish this is what is meant by the ancient statement, “be in the world but not of the world”.

When we apply such knowledge to the concept of something like addiction or to anything we can quickly see that whatever one is addicted to create chemical responses within the body to assist it to reach some state of calming the body’s chemical responses and is why the body continues to scream for more of the same.

It is because of these multi-layered issues that everyone on the planet is addicted to something which allows the body’s chemicals to experience some relief from the constant inner chaos.

The addiction may be food, it may be television, it may be a smart phone which allows for a different reality field within it. The status quo is to think of such things as obsessions and to label chemical substances as addictions but they are all addictions which means the body starts to go into freak out mode to make sure it gets what it wants to find some inner calm. Are you one with a smart phone whose body would freak out if you did not have it?

Addictions then become habits but not because the individual is weak but because the inner body chaos is strong.

Some addictions create more harm than good within the body and if the body is denied what it has discovered can allow it to calm down some it will seek out something else to allow for the inner calm. The something else may be a another person as long as that other person can provide the inner calm the body needs but when that starts to fade the body will start seeking again.

What the body is constantly in search of is peace, balance and love but because the masses have forgotten the truth of creation, the truth that they are Source embodied and their inner connection with Source they seek love, balance, peace and calm outside of their self always trying to fill that inner hole with something that will calm the chemical emotions of the body.

The inner hole can only be filled with the energy of Source, all else is a temporary fix and when the fix wears off the body wants more.

The labels that society assign to an addiction is a result of the level of fear society holds for the addiction and is why we do not see an organization called “smart phone anonymous”, yet we now have laws against something like texting while driving which only came about after experiencing the affects of texting while driving. In times gone by it was not against the law to drink and drive and required many deaths for the law to come into action.

It cannot be known how something will experience until it is experienced and this is why Source creates all of creation to allow Source to know how all thoughts experience.

The body does not know what something experiences as until it experiences it but we are all conscious and aware simply because we have the ability to think. The body cannot think, the brain of the body cannot think and this becomes quite obvious when death of the physical body occurs and the consciousness removes their energy from the body form; the brain stops functioning.

Therefore it is not the body that is thinking which implies our conscious mind that is thinking is higher in energy than the energy of the physical body.

Since our mind is higher in energy than the physical body that means we hold the ability to use our conscious aware thoughts to maintain control of the physical body.

While we continue to heal within our self to remember the truth that we are all Source embodied there is nothing wrong with allowing the body to have what it needs to assist creating inner calm because the body has been lacking Source energy for a very long time but if we desire to maintain control of the body we must use our conscious thoughts to calm the body and only allow it to have things that do not create more harm than good.

The body cannot think, it cannot reason and make higher choices. The body functions on instinct and auto pilot thought patterns which are habitual thought patterns.

The body is a temporary vehicle for our conscious mind to have a life experience just like the car is a temporary vehicle to allow us to move the body from point A to point B. We do not allow our car to control our thoughts nor should we a allow our body to control our thoughts.

The only way to regain control of the body is by regaining control of our thoughts and then consciously communicating with the body.

The body is not separate from us because we temporarily have part of our energy imbued within it but just like a car, the body is an extension of our energy.

Just like a car requires optimal parts, fuel and water to operate correctly so too does our body. When we put harmful chemicals into our body it is like putting sugar into the gas tank of the car.

If we desire to maintain control of our body which will then allow us to maintain control of the life experience, we must use our conscious thoughts and make the choices that will allow us to accomplish our desires.

The body can only hear our thoughts, it hears nothing else! When we become aware of thoughts, light and sound it is because the body has drawn that energy into itself to allow our conscious mind to become aware of it but we do not experience anything outside of our body. If you doubt that simply search the internet to remember how your body works.

This means that when we become aware of something it is already a part of us or else we could not become aware of it.

Remembering that our body does not think for itself but operates on the instructions of our thought directions we then become empowered to take back control of the way our body functions.

If we desire to experience balance and love we must allow our body to remember what balance and love feels like which we can do by focusing within our mind and focusing on filling our body with the love we hold within our memories.

Because the masses have forgotten the truth of self and hold the false belief that self is the body form the body has been running amok for thousands of years and dragging our conscious mind around like a puppet on a string.

The imbalanced emotions we experience are a result of chemical imbalances within the body which is the result of the lack of the energy of Source.

The body cannot think love it can only respond to energy which is thoughts and thoughts instruct the chemicals that the body is composed of to create chemical responses that will allow us to experience our thoughts. We can choose to experience love or the lack of love as love is dependent on no one but our self.

When we consciously think loving thoughts of our body we are allowing it to remember what love and balance is which brings the chemicals of the body back into balance and changes our whole attitude about the life experience.

We become aware that life is not about gaining material objects, it is not about how many people like you, it is not about relationships, having 2 ½ children, a 2 ½ car garage, three cars or a fancy home; the life experience is about love and joy and being able to experience love and joy is dependent on how much we love our self which includes our body.

Changing your attitude of life occurs by remembering how to love yourself!

When you remember how to love yourself then the choices you make change to higher choices that will support the love you feel for yourself. We express such love for others and we may run our self ragged trying to take care of the needs of others and then have no energy left to take care of our own needs.

Doing so not only dis-empowers others because they then do not know how to take care of their needs but it also dis-empowers our self because we have spent all of our energy taking care of others needs.

We are “conditioned” to take care of the needs of others before we do our own because we inherit those thought patterns from those who come before us but doing so is the desire to “make others love us” which is a result of not loving self.

Loving self first is not selfish it is simply awareness that unless we love our self and take care of our self first we will not be able to assist others with the things they do require assistance with. Loving self is not about being selfish in any way but having the energy required to take care of self and then share the love of Source that flows through us with others.

The world paradigm is designed to dis-empower the masses because that is the only way to control them and the things the masses use as a crutch to calm the chaos within their bodies are the things that are controlled the most because those things create a “demand” which means there is big money to be gained.

This is why there is no war on drugs or a desire to heal any addiction as there is big money to be gained from people’s addictions. We look at such things as “money to be gained” but what is really gained? Energy, is what is really gained! It is all about energy regardless if we call it money, war, drugs, television, smart phones, natural resources or whatever, it is all about energy and who can gain the most energy.

The obvious way to heal any and all addictions is it stop producing the things people are addicted to but then the world economy would not exist and the masses would go insane not knowing how to deal with the inner chaos.

Perhaps you can better understand that the concept of addiction to anything goes much deeper than simply being weak or unable to cope with life. It is a result of an inner hole that requires filling and the only thing that can fill that hole is the energy of Source.